Home/Surgical procedures/Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery may result in overall rejuvenation of your face and a fresher, more relaxed look.

Fresh and bright eyes set within a person’s facial contour can be ruined by the appearance of ptosis (drooping) of the skin of the eyelids or due to the accumulation of localized fat, the so-called “eye bags”. 

These ugly details, due to a general and normal ageing process, are at times hereditary and may be seen even at a young age.

Blepharoplasty is a procedure aimed at resolving these blemishes with different procedures based on the specific needs. Consultation with the surgeon is fundamental in evaluating the gravity of the problem together with the patient, and establishing the type of action to be undertaken. 

Furthermore, over the last years, innovative techniques were introduced in the field of blepharoplasty which the patient may not have been informed of. But when the patient is updated, these techniques are often those which the patient chooses.

For example, in lower blepharoplasty procedures, the cheekbone region can be modeled and raised to achieve a lifting effect of the middle third of the face and rhinoplasty can be also done during transconjunctival blepharoplasty (rapidly done) on juvenile lower eyelid bags. 

Blepharoplasty can be done under local or general anesthesia, and in all cases, the surgical facility is always the classic one, fully equipped and sterile, where a professional anesthetist is always present even for local anesthesia, and will provide for sedation proportionately with the need and for other needs that may arise. The anesthetist’s assistance is ensured up to the moment the patient is discharged.

Before undergoing blepharoplasty you will need to consult with the surgeon who will provide a personalized study of the image desired, along with some routine preoperative and anesthetic tests.

Dr. Rubens Giorgio Mattioli | RHINOLOGY S.a.s. P.IVA 08341250960